House of Poets

House of Poets, BVP's first production is an art film set in western North Carolina. The movie had an amazingly low-budget despite the fact that it was shot on a DVX100A with an anamorphic lens & edited in Final Cut. We used a cast of volunteer actors, free locations & a crew of 2. It took me well over a thousand hours to edit the 65 hours of captured footage from a year-long shoot. To find out more about this production, visit the links provided on the home page of this blog. The DVD just re-released features a behind-the-scenes segment that had previously been unavailable on the DVD.

Here are a few photos of the cast & crew party celebrating the completion of House of Poets.

Chatting after the showing of House of Poets.

Director Keith Braman talks with Aaron LaFalce & John Denlea.

Keith, Aaron, Merry Lee Band & John pose for the camera.

Awaiting the cast premiere of HOP, Aaron in foreground, John in background.

From left to right:  Charley Schulte, John Denlea, Johnny Schulte, Keith Braman & guest.

Johnny & Keith pose for the camera.

Awaiting the premiere.

From left to right:  Charley Sculte, Amy Braman & guest.

Keith & Johnny chat outside about the movie.

Moments after the premiere.

Johnny talks music with Keith.

Amy and Charley talk about the production.

On the front lawn after the premiere.

Johnny, Keith & Thomas near the end of the night.

Thomas & Amy say goodbye.

House of Poets is now available through .Click here to purchase