Everything has a season.
I feel a change taking place - a transition. My focus has been divided between my coffee house and my film career, though leaning heavily toward my film career for some time. However, the past few days has seen the curtains closing on the coffee house and the lights shining brightly on my film career. Whatever interest that I harbored for the shop has dissipated entirely - I no longer care an iota about it or anything relating to it. I have turned the corner, so to speak - I see the new horizon ahead, and it's beautiful and beckons seductively.
It is time to move on.
This is the crossroad I was referring to in an earlier entry. I am there. And I am not remorseful over any of the days I spent at the coffee house. I wrote a novel there. I wrote a psychological drama there. I wrote a second psychological drama there and began a third. I have been very prolific during my time among the coffee grounds. And this is not even beginning to speak of the glowing positivity that owning the shop bestowed on my family, during our pregnancy, and first year with our wonderful, beautiful child. The shop has been a blessing. We were able to stay together as a family. That means so much to all of us. We could never afford to hire someone, which was our dream but we made enough to pay our bills and stay afloat - it was our only income for nearly 3 years.
But now it is time to press ahead.
I am 70-plus pages into my next script that I plan to produce later this summer. It is exciting project, and will, I think, find its place in the world. Over the past few days I have spent hours searching online sites for homes in the Austin, Texas area and have been impressed by what I've seen. The city is fabulous. I think we will be able to swing a home in Texas as well as the one we have here in the mountains. If it becomes an absolute necessity, we will consider renting our house here for a while.
Initially, I had set a goal to be out of the coffee house by the end of the year but now, I'm thinking - before this summer. When the tourists began arriving, we should have little difficulty renting our booths inside the shop, which will bring in well over half the rent and nearly all of it if we worked at it. The potential is there but it would be kind of the economy if it showed up to play ball.
Regardless we will list it for sale soon with an owner financing option and simply go from there. Whatever will be will be - whatever will be is meant to be. It really is out of my hands. I just know that I have somewhere to be and it's not here.