Friday, July 29, 2011

One Year Ago Today

One year ago today, July 30, 2010 (it is after midnight, 12:36 am to be exact, so it's Saturday, the 30th despite what Blogger thinks), the first day of principle photography began on The Purple Box. I remember Thomas and I running around Asheville trying to get people to help us out with some random shots but no one was willing. I remember thinking what a disappointment it was that so few people wanted to help out an indie filmmaker in the great artsy town?? of Asheville. Thomas, Jordan, and I shot for quite a few hours on this date. I remember how difficult it was to find a freaking ice bucket, for God's sake. Thomas and I ended up purchasing a toy blue plastic pail from CVS or one of those stores like that. It was absurd but ended up being a perfect match for the incredibly demented Fuzzy in The Purple Box. We shot the entire feature in a matter of days, 3-4, I'd have to look back to get specifics. It was tense, but fun. With every experience on the set you are able to bring more to the next production you help out with. It's always fun even when it seems like it's not.

A year later I am about to embark on a fundraising campaign for our next movie, a romantic comedy, with several other projects, literary and film, in varying stages of marketing. I hope to assemble a winning, talented team. Another writing project has demanded my attention for the past week so I've postponed placing a casting call advertisement for our next feature. If anyone out there is interested in being part of our next project, drop me a line or whatever and we'd be thankful to have you.

That's about it. Out for now.