Friday, August 26, 2011

Juggling Several Projects At Once...

This afternoon I spent some time at various coffee venues in Asheville meeting up with potential actors for my next production. I had good conversation and way too many cups of coffee which probably explains why I'm still up at this hour blogging.

I'm interviewing for two movies, a romantic comedy and a horror zombie film. The horror can be produced with a smaller budget, fewer locations, actors, etc, so I may very well go with this one first. I've always wanted to shoot a horror flick but keep putting it off. Now might be the time. The romantic comedy will take longer to film and of course will demand a greater budget.

I've been online a lot lately checking out houses in Austin TX and found a few that might fit the bill. I don't think we will be able to maintain 3 houses so I'm considering selling the one down in Florida. We are definitely keeping our house here in the mountains. We will probably never live in the Florida house again so it is the obvious choice if one has to go. We'll see.

I really don't have a shoot date planned. I'm still in pre-production mode. I've spent the last month or so revising a novel that I had written several years back and just completed the last revision a few days ago. I'm now back to focusing on my next production.

I've been researching special effects recently in case I go with the zombie flick. I like old school more so than CGI so I'd rather do all I can on the set as opposed to in the editing room. But that too might be determined by budget.

Next week I should have time to meet a few other potential cast and crew members. I'm also looking to purchase an inexpensive van in which to haul my filmmaking equipment around for this next production.

Well, just about any time my little boy will get up and crawl in bed with mommy and daddy so I want to be sure that daddy is there.
