Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rough Cut Shaping Up - Wish I Could Ship Out

Two nights ago, the wife and I watched a rough cut of the movie, this version had 5 songs in it, and I must say, I feel as though it is coming around - possibly shaping up for a mid-to-late November completion depending on when I can film that last scene.

Currently I am awaiting an actor to contact me regarding the apprehension of this last scene but despite having emailed him 8 days ago, I haven't heard back from him - I texted him yesterday and still no word. Very uncharacteristic of this guy - hope he is well.  I almost called the hospitals and jails today but decided to give it a few more days.

Yesterday they came and towed our 'happy truck' away.  It is a 1967 Ford panel van.  It was rare and a cool truck.  I'll miss it.  I always wanted to renovate it and use it as a mobile office.  Oh well- to hell with that dream.  We purchased it back in Florida to use in our wholesale dish garden business and then later to haul our butts and belongings up here to Carolina.  It served us well, despite trying to kill me at the end of that journey up here from central Florida.  

But that's another story.

I have two meetings lined up for next week - releases will be signed for music for The Purple Box.  Great music - great musicians.  I'm lucky.   Presently I am at the coffee house about to tackle a few more problem spots in the movie.  It's like taking that chunk of marble and chiseling away at it until you behold the sculpture within.  The great thing about the art of film making is that you can never chip away too much - because you can always go back and correct mistakes or over-editing.

I had someone tell me a few days ago that they would contribute $200-300 toward my next project.  I appreciate every penny that someone donates to me to further my film making endeavors.  It's difficult to take money out of our pockets right now to put into a risky venture like film making - you know - the economy sucking for air as it is - having a baby to take care of - a household and business to maintain.  So a contribution, large or small, is always appreciated.  One way or the other - you have to movie forward, whether it's trudging or leaping.  Whatever.  You do what you gotta do.

On another note, a couple made an offer on the coffee shop & said that they could close by November 1 of this year.  It's a little less than we wanted so I think we'll hold out a bit longer. That offer is there - so - besides - making espresso and coffee isn't exactly like hammering away at brimstone in hell - well - not usually.

I wish we could relocate to a larger area - like Austin TX.  We will soon - but when is the question.  And where exactly - that is another question.  I guess anywhere where the people encourages and supports their artists.  There's too much 'clickery' in a small town.  A lot of preaching and posing about being a supposed cultural center which means nothing in theory only. You will never be taken serious as an artist unless you set certain demands and stick to them.  Yes - this seems vague - even ambiguous - it's meant to - because even I - the author of ambiguity - know not where it is meant to lead - or possibly stray.  

Okay - I gotta work on my movie.
