Saturday, October 2, 2010

Arising From the Clay Blob is The Purple Box

Yes - after zillions upon zillions of hours editing, the final cut nears. On the 9th, we will film the final scene of the movie that's been lingering in limbo for a couple of months now. After that, I will be left with only a few retakes. My November goal looks within grasp.

I met 2 musicians last week, signed releases and chained their songs into my timeline for eternity. I will meet at least 1 more musician, hopefully, this week regarding a really cool song that I want. Currently, I am burning a copy of The Purple Box to watch tonight for scrutiny purposes. I will make notes and proceed to add, correct, alter, delete, or curse any scene in the movie necessary.

On a personal note, we are expecting a final offer on our coffee house - an offer that we have verbally accepted. If all goes well, I hope to be out of here, at least, sort of, within a month or so. I say 'sort of' because we will probably stay on part time to help keep things running smoothly until the new owners move to town. We will have to be able to set out own hours - and of course, be able to take flight at any time, if and when The Purple Box is accepted into a film festival. That bridge will be crossed shortly after I find myself standing at it.

From this point, who knows what life has in store. But I'm an adventurer - a free-spirt who embraces spontinaity. So - we shall see. But whatever awaits behind the veil of the future, I hope it doesn't involve coffee grounds.