Today I got back on track with my writing. I had slammed the gears down to low for a few days, my mind spinning around in the mud, attempting to proceed forward but making no progress. Then today - wham - ten pages. I'm back on track - gaining back what ground I'd lost during my mental stupor.
It will be in March before I hear anything back from most of the festivals I've entered thus far. In the meantime, I plan to complete a rough draft of my current project and then go into revision mode for a couple of months. I'd like to have a breakdown of the script by summer and then go from there. At that point I'll see what's going down with other potential projects. I'm open minded.
Sometime in the middle to late March, the shop will pick up and I'll have less time to write so I'd like to have much of the screenplay written by then. I wish I could prolong February a month or two so I could get more accomplished along the lines of writing and filmmaking. January and February are historically lower volume sales months, not just for our shop but others in the area also. But I've made up my mind that 2011 will be the last year for us at the shop, one way or the other. It's time to embrace destiny. Though I love owning a coffee house, I love filmmaking so much more. Initially, I wanted to have a small chain of shops but the deeper I delved into filmmaking, the more I realized that I would have to make a decision. And truthfully it's no decision. I've never been afraid of taking chances or making giant leaps of faith and if I have to uproot and relocate elsewhere to realize certain goals within the framework of life, then so be it.
A couple of days ago I filmed a few scenes with Jordan. I am editing together a demo reel for him so he can present his talent to other filmmakers, producers & agents in his pursuit of other filmmaking opportunities in the industry. I'm confident that he will do well and get the demo in the hands of the person(s) who is supposed to see it. If it's his desire, he will be in many movies. I am certain of that. I do believe that is his road. I plan to cast him as the lead in my next psychological drama. He expressed an interest in the role a few days ago so I don't see any potential problems.
Soon I will order the adaptor that I spoke of in an earlier post. This will increase the production value of my next movie substantially. I can't wait to get it. It's exciting. I hope to get some sponsors for my next production as well so I can expand to more locations, maybe get an extra hand or two to help out, and just stuff like that - you know - the almost necessary stuff.
It's late. I open tomorrow. Yay. Darn. I hope I get to write.